Our services
Victrol was established in the year 1969. Our experience & expertise is our strength !

Inland shipping innovation as a tradition for the Family Maes !
Several pioneering milestones were achieved over the years :
- 1973 : construction of a box shaped dry cargo barge
- 1990 : start-up of container operations
- 1993 : construction and operation of the first double hull bunker barge type C ( MTS 'London' )
- 1996 : start of the "Meerhout Container Terminal"
- 2000 : building of submersible Roro Pontoons and RoRO quay in Geel
- 2013 : construction of semi-submersible & seagoing "Roropontoon 4 & 5"
- 2018 : first LNG inland bunker barge "LNG London"
Given the global environmental challenges for a climat neutral economy and sustainable & green energy supply, shipping is one of the industries that will need to change its strategy.
Victrol, experienced for over more than 50 years in R&D, construction, managing and operating barges and coastal ships, has always walked the innovative path. When looking at the energy transition, Victrol will take the lead in offering future proof logistic & shipping solutions towards a clean industry !
Contact a team member
Our team of highly experienced and dedicated employees
Team members | Tel | Direct email | ICE Messenger | Department |
Peter Maes | +32 477 413 780 | projects@victrol.be | Business Development |