Our services
Victrol was established in the year 1969. Our experience & expertise is our strength !

In the early 90's, Victrol took bunkering to the next level with innovative double hull barges. Over the years we strived for safer and faster bunker operations. We have a wide range of bunker vessels and bunker services. In 2019 we took a new innovative step with LNG bunkering.
Victrol is shipping your mineral products all over European inland waterways, whether it is concerning clean minerals, distillates, heated fueloil, chemicals or bitumen. Our diversified fleet is fit for purpose !
Contact a team member
Our team of highly experienced and dedicated employees
Team members | Tel | Direct email | ICE Messenger | Department |
Ann Wolfcarius | + 32 3 205 00 07 | ann@victrol.be | awolfcarius | Tankers |
Barry Heylen | +32 3 205 00 04 | barry@victrol.be | bheylen | Tankers |
Glenn De Peuter | +32 3 205 00 06 | glenn.de.peuter@victrol.be | gdepeuter | Tankers |
Jens Bynoe | +32 3 205 00 02 | jens@victrol.be | jbynoe | Tankers |
Miranda Maes | +32 3 205 00 61 | vw@victrol.be | Management |
For general questions, please contact operations@victrol.be